Masterpiece Hand Painted Kurukulla Statue 21 1/2"
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Masterpiece Hand Painted Kurukulla Statue 21 1/2" Item #4n1

Materials: Lost Wax Method, Hand Painted Copper, Made in Nepal

Origin: Made in Nepal

Tibetan Name: Rigjyedma

Height: 21 inches

Width: 14 inches

Depth: 6 inches

Weight: 21 pounds pounds

Price: $12500

Sale Price: $11250


"This piece possesses an incredible magnetic energy!  Her bewitching face is both stunning and terrifying at the same time."
Brenda, Dharma Sculpture

The passionate lotus dakini Kurukulla originated from the country of Uddiyana.  She is said to have emanated from the Buddha Amitabha.  Among Amitabha's three female emanations Kurukulla is the most important one.  Kurukulla is often called Red Tara (sgrol-ma dmar-po) or Tarodbhava Kurukulla, "the Kurukulla who arises from Tara."

According to the texts, Kurukulla is a sixteen year old maiden because sixteen is an auspicious number which signifies perfection (four times four).  Her face is beautiful and her body voluptuous and alluring.  She is red in color because of her magical function of enchantment and magnetism.

She has a single face because she embodies non-dual wisdom beyond conventional distinctions of good and evil.  She is naked because she is unconditioned by discursive thoughts.  She has four arms because of the four immeasurable states of mind, namely, love, compassion, joy, and equanimity.  She holds an arrow stretched on a bow entwined with flowers and leaves because she can give rise to thoughts of desire in the minds of others.  In her other two hands she holds the hook that attracts and summons them into her presence and the noose by which she binds them to her will.  Both of these implements enable her to catch those of us who have strayed from the path of the Dharma.

Kurukulla wears a crown of five skulls signifying the five perfections, whereas she herself embodies the sixth perfection, that of wisdom.  She wears a necklace of fifty freshly severed human heads dripping blood because she vanquishes the fifty negative emotions.  She is dancing because she is active and energetic, her compassionate activity manifesting in both Samsara and Nirvana.  She dances, treading upon a male human corpse because she enchants and subjugates the demon of ego and desire also known as Kamadeva. She stands within a flaming aura because her nature is hot and enflamed with passion and upon a lotus blossom because she is a pure vision of enlightened awareness.  In the practitioner's meditation, such is the recollection of the purity (dag dran) of the vision of the goddess.

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